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I like the top fender spears and the chrome headlight rings! Nov. is still 2 months away.... keep you patience!
Today we drove the '52 to Ypsilanti, MI for the Orphan Car Show and our fall meeting of the Great Lakes Chapter. We had 16 or 17 De Soto's there, which is down a little from years past, and about 35 members. We had a nice pot luck lunch and enjoyed a day of fellowship with chapter members. Ed Holter's beautifully restored '53 Firedome was selected best Chrysler product at the show.
This show draws about 300 cars that are no longer in production and there are always some very rare and unusual cars at the show. They do a very interesting pass in review where each car is driven in front of the grandstand and experts on each model point out design features and interesting facts about your car. Very interesting and informative.
My 1960 Fireflite finally got her recored radiator. She has had a busy 2 weeks. On September 12, after a good wash and wax, she was the "get away" car at my son's wedding. On the 13th, we visited my 90 year old father at a local retirement village. I believe that 1/2 of the residents came out and admired her.
On Sunday the 19th I washed her again and went for a leisurely Sunday drive and we ended up at a local drive in restraunt that has been in business since the 50's. Needless to say, she was the center of attention!
Kevin Luzader
Took my '48 Custom 4-dr sedan over to a near-by Orphan Car Show at Young's Jersey Dairy just north of Yellow Springs, OH. About 70 cars there, but only two De Sotos - mine and Greg Walters' '56 Firedome sedan. This show isn't as big nor as nice as the Orphan Car Show up in MI, but if you like ice cream, this is the place to be!
Bill Noble
Took our 47 Custom to a wedding this evening, I got to chauffeur the Bride and Groom to the park for pictures and then to the reception afterwards.
Can't post
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Didn't work!
Still didn't 10-28-15
Still can't post
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
I'm trying to send from my iPad this time and hopefully it will post.
I drove my '59 Firesweep to the Velvet Celebrity Car Museum in Branson, MO for display and winter storage in climate controlled comfort. I have access to the car anytime so if there is an event I'd like to participate in, I can get the car out and enjoy.
The museum features cars of the "stars", movie cars, classics, and antiques. I am fortunate to have my DeSoto displayed just in front of President Truman's Lincoln presidential limousine and directly across from a 1970 Plymouth Superbird.
In addition, I was able to meet the DeSoto restoration guru, Bob Schmidt, who has his shop in Branson. What more could anyone ask for than all this?
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
It worked! Something must be haywire with my desktop.
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
So I'm starting to get my 48 ready for a tear down and while I was looking under the front seat i found a bunch of old wrappers and a grocery list.
That is cool!! I know that stuff is old because you don't see any UPC numbers. Plus... what kind of toy can you buy today for .15? Plus... a note that says something about the "DIME STORE"!! Priceless! NICE FIND! Keep that stuff in your car scrap book.
That is cool!! I know that stuff is old because you don't see any UPC numbers. Plus... what kind of toy can you buy today for .15? Plus... a note that says something about the "DIME STORE"!! Priceless! NICE FIND! Keep that stuff in your car scrap book.
I also found in the trunk an old diet squirt soda can with the small mouth opening and an old 16oz glass coke bottle with a none winning game cap on it. Date is 1986. I can't wait to remove to back seat and see what could be hiding under there. Front seat doesn't look like its hiding much more other then ends of envelopes.
I attended the Route 66 MoPar Club show in Branson, MO yesterday and, as usual, my DeSoto was the only one there out of about 144 cars. Most were the new Challengers, Chargers, and RAMS.
Regardless, my DeSoto got plenty of attention, in fact so much that I couldn't wipe it off after it quit raining there were so many "talkers" that either they had one, their dad had one, their uncle had one, or somebody had one, yak, yak, yak - you get the picture. Any way it was still interesting and I did get a nice trophy out of the deal.
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Fred, not that I am dropping hints or making a suggestion but as I said before Branson would be a great place for a NDC convention. Just saying. Les
Fred, not that I am dropping hints or making a suggestion but as I said before Branson would be a great place for a NDC convention. Just saying. Les
Let's do it! I've only been here 6 months but I think I can learn the contacts to make stuff happen between now and then. There certainly is enough to do around here for sure that will satisfy most everyone.
"it's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
Fred, I think the 2017 convention is set so it would be 2018 at the earliest. I don't think our Great Lakes Chapter wants to do another convention right away but another chapter might want to help with it. One person could do it but it is a lot of work and easier with help. There will be plenty of advice and help available from members that have hosted a convention if you decide to do it. Something to think about.